Upper Duke Street Liverpool, UK

Corstorphine & Wright have been appointed by Fusion Students to explore the redevelopment of the vacant Hondo Supermarket site on Upper Duke Street in Liverpool.
The site presents a huge opportunity to enhance both the urban fabric and public realm in this location, and has the potential to be a catalyst for further regeneration. Whilst the area has seen pockets of new development in recent times, this new urban block can prove a marker for change and provide a benchmark for the quality and scale of ongoing development.

The variety of accommodation proposed will attract undergraduate and post graduate students of all ages and nationalities, contributing to the vitality and diversity of the immediate area and city beyond, supporting existing and new local businesses alike. With 420 rooms, and a number of ground floor social and study spaces the development will greatly improve the location, providing an attractive place to live and work. Such activity to the street will also bring the inherent benefit of greater visibility and surveillance along the existing streets, something that is greatly needed.

With 420 rooms, and a number of ground floor social and study spaces the development will greatly improve the location, providing an attractive place to live and work.

People behind the project
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