Keyham Lodge Leicester, UK

Keyham Lodge School is for children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD).
It provides predominantly secondary education but has a small primary facility, and it needed to increase its roll from 62 to 126 pupils.
The design is centred on a multi-use heart space that can be used for games, performances, dining and more – during the school day and for wraparound care. We suited the teaching areas based on faculties, creating controlled corridors linked via clear routes. The building now gives the school more flexibility and better quality space without increasing costs.

The school received budget under the BSF framework to knock down and rebuild 50% of the space and refurbish the remaining 50%. However, when we looked at the state of the current facilities and pupils’ complex requirements, only one sub-optimal class building was suitable for refurbishment. We rationalised the design and created a completely new facility for the same budget.