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Staffordshire University Student Village Gets Underway

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John O'Brien Portrait

By John O’Brien – 15th July 2024

Corstorphine & Wright’s scheme for the new Staffordshire University Student Village in Stoke-on-Trent is due to start on site.

The new scheme creates a new student community that blends contemporary sustainable architecture with nature. The SUSV aspires to create a holistic development that fosters a strong sense of place and belonging, meeting diverse student needs to provide an enriching and accessible educational experience for all.

At the heart of the SUSV lies a commitment to sustainability through every aspect of its design and construction. The masterplan is carefully crafted to minimise environmental impact, with existing slopes sculpted into terraces to accommodate the development without disturbing the natural landscape.

The SUSV sets a precedent for sustainable construction in the higher education sector. The project aims to surpass local planning policy targets and lead the way towards a greener future through comprehensive energy reduction strategies and a focus on renewable energy generation.

Central to the SUSV is the Village Hub, a multifunctional space designed to serve as the heart of the community by integrating seamlessly with the main campus and connecting existing and future buildings. With its sustainable timber structure, the Hub is a welcoming communal area with state-of-the-art facilities and aspirations to achieve net zero carbon in operation.

This milestone is a testament to the collaborative efforts of all parties. Congratulations to all involved and we are excited to see how the scheme progresses.


We are thrilled with the positive outcome and approval of our proposed design for an environmentally friendly student village. Despite the challenging site topography, the design team has collaboratively managed to create an exciting, scenic, and accessible route connecting the new village with the existing campus. This aligns with the University’s goals to maintain accessibility throughout the entire campus.

Alan Yakoub


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