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Ed Norman joins the judging panel for the FX Design Awards 2024

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By Edward Norman – 2nd September 2024

It’s judging time! For a second consecutive year, Ed Norman has joined the judging panel for the FX Design Awards 2024.

The renowned FX Awards invite outstanding design talent from both the UK and around the globe, showcasing the finest interior products and projects.

Hosted by FX Magazine, these sought-after awards are a key event in the design industry calendar, held annually in the lead-up to Christmas. Each year, a panel of over 20 dedicated judges is assembled to evaluate the submissions.

We really look forward to the winners being revealed and celebrating their success!

Read more about the event details here


“Once again, the calibre of entries this year was exceptional, and it was incredibly hard to judge. What was evident is that there is exceptional design talent on display.”

Edward Norman

Design Director

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