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Corstorphine & Wright become Registered Signatories for Building a Safer Future

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By Rav Kumar – 15th August 2024

Corstorphine & Wright is pleased to become a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. Building a Safer Future (BSF) is a non-profit organisation committed to raising standards in building safety and to support required culture change in the built environment industry.

It becomes an important first step towards the culture and behavioural change required in relation to the Charter’s objectives around building safety.

We will now be working to ensure that we embed the principles of the Charter into our organisation’s activities and agreed to support 5 key building safety commitments:


Collaborate to spearhead culture change and be the voice of building safety across our sector.


Be transparent in the interests of safety, sharing key information with residents, clients, contractors and statutory bodies in a useful and accessible manner in the design, construction and occupation phases of the process.


Make safety a key factor of choice in who we work with, ensuring that building safety is placed at the centre of selection decisions without compromising quality or value for money.


Ensure that the voices and safety of residents, visitors and employees are central in our decision making process.


Set out and communicate clear responsibilities within our organisation and with our partners, ensuring everyone with a stake in the building during design, construction and occupation understands their role and has the time and resources they need to achieve and maintain building safety.

The Charter Commitments are a key mechanism used to drive culture change and actions required to improve building safety. These commitments are prioritised throughout our current practice and in behaviours to put safety first above all other factors. We are looking forward to working our way through to the next stage and achieve a BSF Champion status.

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