Back to Our SectorsDesigning vibrant places that adapt in a changing market

From high streets to out-of-town retail parks, from standalone stores to shopping centres – we design destinations that meet current needs while adapting to future requirements.
For more than 40 years, Corstorphine & Wright has been known for bringing complex retail requirements together in a strategic, creative and effective way.
When you work with us, you have a true partner who understands what’s required to make your project successful from both design and commercial perspectives. This starts with an understanding the psychology of retail. And it extends to how we design for operator requirements while finding innovative ways to provide great experiences, attract footfall and increase dwell time.

Retail Projects
We help operators, developers and investors get ahead in this changing market, positioning your project to deliver long-term value.
Meet the leading designers heading up our team.
We design places that deliver value to clients and communities – today and as retail evolves.

Adaptability & Long-Term Value
Adaptability is ingrained in our methodology, factoring in opportunities for reconfiguring spaces and changing uses so you’re positioned to stay on the front foot.

Vibrancy & Experience
From shopping circuits to unit configuration to public realm, we create a vibrant experience that attracts people and encourages them to linger.

Stakeholder Collaboration
We have deep experience of planning across the UK, working with local authorities and stakeholders to secure consents and engage communities.

Request our Retail Brochure
Years’ experience
Of projects have been for repeat clients over the past 3 years
Every project starts with a conversation.
Let’s discuss your opportunities, constraints and questions.